I've recently purchased Moby.Hotel and noticed it was "
Copy Controlled", when I popped in the CD, it asked to install software. After the Sony rootkit debacle, nobody in his right mind will ever even consider installing software bundled to copy protect the CDs contents. So obviously, I didn't.
Frankly I can't see why record companies would want to copy protect their content, and here is why:
- Most people who buy music, do not buy music to make illegal copies, most people who still buy music, do it because it's the right thing to do.
- Copy protection will severely impair their righteous customers listening experience. (For example: I don't own a 'real' CD player, and I can't play it on my computer without installing Mute Records untrusted software).
- Folks who illegally acquire music from p2p networks, remain unimpaired, and can redistribute it to their hearts desire!
- The mere notion that any copy protection scheme could protect music against 'professional' pirates (who generally populate the p2p networks) is extremely naive at best.
I'm considering returning Moby.Hotel and will probably never purchase another "Copy Controlled" CD from Mute (or any other record company) again.
I hope this will be properly resolved in the future, so I can keep on enjoying Moby's music!